Future technology for people´s present

We are an innovation lab that creates its products with the highest technology. Our goal is to democratize access to this technology for everyone and to help people in areas such as medicine, accessibility, psychology or social services.

The most important institutions and companies in the world have recognized our work

How does Saturno help people?

We work in three complementary areas:

Cutting-edge Technology

We are creators and young researchers, leaders in technological trends. We develop creative solutions with the latest technology that helps others, making them accessible to everybody.

Boosting Talent

We want to give opportunities to the most promising talent in Spain. We are creating the first private network of young innovators and technologists to promote their future.

Ethics Matters

Saturno is a company with a cause. We care about how. We are developing an institute to open the debate in the industry and to spread the word about technology and its implications in society.

We are a Private
Research Lab

In Saturno Labs we have the capability to develop the most advanced technologies. We are thinkers and creators, and being a lab, we are able to innovate by carrying out complex ad hoc projects or selling our own products.

Artificial Intelligence

We use and research Machine Learning and Deep Learning techniques and develop our algorithms.

Prototyping innovative ideas

We can test innovative and disruptive ideas fast and scale them up in executable projects in the future.

Voice & Signals

We build voice assistants on multiple platforms such as Amazon Alexa. We are also specialists in video and audio signal processing.


We create automated conversation experiences that improve the UX, streamline processes and automate routine tasks.

Computer Vision

We record and produce sounds in 360 degrees with infinite trajectories to create unique audio experiences and products.

And more...

We do not settle for the present. We continue to learn every day about the latest technologies to create innovative products.

3D sounds

We record and produce sounds in 360 degrees with infinite trajectories to create unique audio experiences and products.

And more...

We do not settle for the present. We continue to learn every day about the latest technologies to create innovative products.

What kind of projects has Saturno done?

Saturno is a factory of ideas, a laboratory of innovation where new projects are constantly emerging. The value of these ideas and innovation projects are validated by the companies and institutions that trust Saturno:

AI for diagnosis

Creation of a data acquisition system and development of a predictive artificial intelligence model for the diagnosis of lung disease through the analysis of the voice and mouth of patients.

Citizen AI

We have developed the Cibeles project, the first voice system in the public administration of Madrid City Council. In addition, we have worked on another project creating an artificial intelligence model for pattern detection in the urban planning area of the same city council.

Accessible voice

Development of a system, specifically focused on blind people, that allows the use of elevators with the voice to avoid direct hand contact with the control system. This project, carried out in collaboration with ONCE Foundation, aims to standardize the use of AI in low-cost hardware.

Tech for the elderly

Research and development with a team of psychologists of a system of emotional regulation at home for elderly people.

And these are some of the companies which Saturno has worked or collaborated with

How do we work
in Saturno?

In Saturno Labs we have developed our model of transformation that allows us to perform the necessary operations to reach innovative solutions, acting as a generator of disruptive ideas.

High techology & enviroment research

Problem Analysis & methodology selection

Development & creating the solution

Launch of the project & scalability

Industrialization & high impact solution

The media is talking about Saturno

Our successes have been reported by multiple media outlets. Read the latest media coverage about Saturno.

La ingeniera española detrás del laboratorio de innovación que trabaja mano a mano con Amazon y que quiere que las tecnológicas asuman la responsabilidad de sus algoritmos

Business Insider

La primera startup hispana que Amazon eligió para 'humanizar' Alexa y que ahora ayuda a enfermos de cáncer


El Español

4 empresas que inyectan talento nacional en el mundo


La Inteligencia Artificial como oportunidad de desarrollo del ecosistema de innovación y emprendimiento de Madrid

El Referente

21 ‘change makers’ para 2021


Quiénes son los emprendedores jóvenes con más futuro


La idea romántica de emprender en un garaje nada tiene que ver con la realidad


Natalia Rodríguez diseña soluciones de alta tecnología y las acerca a personas de todo el mundo


La plataforma para que las ideas se iluminen y comiencen a alzar el vuelo


Saturno Labs, una startup madrileña que mejora la vida de las personas a través de la Inteligencia Artificial


Saturno Labs es el laboratorio de innovación que mejora la vida de las personas y que se está posicionando como uno de los referentes de alta tecnología en Europa

La Fábrica de Inversores

Radio Intereconomia

La voz de 'Alexa' llegará a los ascensores para minimizar el riesgo de contagio del coronavirus de la mano de Saturno Labs y la fundación ONCE

Europa Press

Upnea es un proyecto de la española Saturno Labs que facilita el diagnóstico de la apnea del sueño mediante el análisis de imágenes faciales de los pacientes


La Razón

SATURNO LABS, LETMEPARK SLU y LOOKREANDO, ganadoras del Premio Emprendedoras 2020


El Ayuntamiento de Madrid entrega los Premios Emprendedoras 2020. En la categoría de Premio Empresa 2020, ha resultado ganadora Saturno Labs

La Vanguardia

Natalia Rodríguez: “Para emprender hay que saber manejar la incertidumbre” Saturno Labs: premio UUPrizes2020 a mejor startup revelación

El Telescopio

El Plural

El proyecto Upnea de Saturno Labs ha recibido el galardón de categoría Startups. Se trata de una innovadora propuesta que paliará los efectos de la Apnea del Sueño

We The Humans

La ingeniera de telecomunicación por la ETSIT-UPM y fundadora de Saturno Labs, Natalia Rodríguez, ha obtenido el primer Premio Emprendedora del año 2020 que concede el Ayuntamiento de Madrid


Amazon is loving Saturno

We work hand in hand with Amazon in Spain in the development of applications in Alexa as one of their collaborator agencies.

Amazon has selected Saturno as one of the top 10 voice companies in its network in Europe to do an international campaign.

Amazon has chosen Saturno team as one of the nine best research teams in AI worldwide to participate in its global millionaire competition Alexa Prize

Meet the Saturno´s Alexa Prize team

Saturno Labs' research team is in the running for the Million Dollar Award of the Alexa Prize Socialbot Challenge 4 fighting on the same ground with the cream of the crop in NLP (Natural Language Processing: Artificial Intelligence applied to the voice) worldwide scale.

Thanks to this opportunity, Saturno's Team will have access to the Alexa's chatbot inner core giving us the chance to level up all our skills and future developments.

Natalia Rodriguez

Ramón Martínez

Alicia Grande

Diego de la Cal

Diego Martín

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